In this post, I will explain how to download and install various NuGet package set up for the first time so you can start using them immediately.

  1. First of all you must specify the nuget package you want to install, (FirebaseAdmin)
  2. Create folder for nuget packages you want to install(C:\\MyNugetPackages)
  3. Go to url (
  4. Click on the “download package” button in right side. It will provide a .nupkg file to download.
  5. Save it to your hard disk. (C:\\MyNugetPackages)
  6. Open your project in Visual Studio.
  7. Open Solution Explorer, Select & right click on your Project, then Choose “Manage NuGet Packages…” from context menu, It will open NuGet Package Manger window.
  8. Click on Setting button (wheel icon) in right side.
  9. Click plus button in open window and create package resource (My Nuget Source).
  10. Press source path (…) than select C:\\MyNugetPackages folder and press Ok.
  11. Select Your Package Source (My Nuget Source) right side in Installed tab
  12. Find and install FirebaseAdmin in opened list.